Frequently Asked Questions
What are membership Dues?
Every Doce Pares Black Belt must submit annual individual membership dues to remain an active member in Doce Pares. The annual fee is 100 USD and goes directly to support the volunteer.
What are the benefits of being a Doce Pares member?
As a Doce Pares Member, you will have full access to the member portal, discounted access to Doce Pares training + events, quarterly members virtual chat, invite to members-only virtual and in-person trainings and events. For a full list of membership benefits click here:
How often do we pay membership dues?
Once a year Black Belt Members pay 100 USD. All dues for the calendar year must be submitted by January 31st. For 2022, we are extending the deadline until March 1st as we transition to the new website and new systems processing.
Do my Doce Pares membership dues cover WEKAF membership?
No. Doce Pares and WEKAF are two separate entities with their own due structure. Being a Doce Pares member does not automatically mean you are a WEKAF member. For more information, visit the WEKAF website here: https://wekafinternational.com/
If I am not yet a Doce Pares black belt, can I be a member?
Currently, only black belts can be a Doce Pares member. Other belts are affiliated with Doce Pares through their Doce Pares schools.
How can I pay membership dues?
You can pay for membership dues by paying through the online portal found here:
If you prefer to pay by PayPal or bank transfer, please contact us at mabuhay@docepareshq.org.
How do I know if my membership is active?
Please log in to your personal profile on the Doce Pares website. If you believe there is an error please contact us at mabuhay@docepareshq.org.